An iR Series machine may be upgraded using a PC to which the SST (v3.01 or later) has been
installed and the System CD supplied for the iR Series. This bulletin provides an overview of
upgrading work and details of its procedure.
Previous Service Manuals do not contain descriptions of upgrading procedures in keeping with the release of each
version of the SST. Future Service Manuals, on the other hand, will contain appropriate descriptions that are current
at time of downloading.
SST Operation Guide
Outline of Upgrading the Machine
The machine and its accessories may be upgraded by replacing DIMM-ROM or using the
Service Support Tool (hereafter, SST) installed on a personal computer (PC).
The following table shows the various system software used in conjunction with the
machine and how they may be upgraded.
Outline of the Service Support Tool
The Service Support Tool (hereafter, SST) has the following functions:
The machine must be in download mode when the SST is used.
The download control program comes in 2 types:
-Normal Mode (download mode B)
turn on the main power while holding down 1+7; then, make the following selections in
-Safe Mode(download mode A)
turn on the main power while holding down 2+8
Use safe mode for the following:
-when you have replaced the HDD.
-when the system fails to start up normally.
The following table shows the functions that may be used in download mode with the SST
Installing the System Software
The system software that has been downloaded by the SST (version 3.01 or later) is saved
in the temporary storage area of the HDD. You must then turn off and then on the main
power switch so that the system software will be written to the system area, boot ROM, and
flash ROM when the machine starts up. When you turn off and then on the main power
switch for a second time, the machine will start up using the new version of the system
If a previous version of the SST is used for downloading, the system software will be
written directly to the HDD, boot ROM, and flash ROM.
You must first register the system software found on the System CD to the SST.
[Preparatory Work]
Items to Prepare
-PC to which the SST (version 3.01 or later) has been installed
-System CD for the iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series
[Registering the System Software]
1) Start up the PC.
2) Set the system CD in the PC.
3) Start up the SST.
4) Click [Register System Software]
5) Select the drive in which you have set the System CD, and click [SEARCH].
6) The list of system software found on the System CD appears. Remove the check from the
folders and software you will not need; then, click [REGISTER].
7) When the result of registration is indicated, click [OK].
Making Connections
You are now ready to connect the PC to the machine.
[Preparatory Work]
Items to Prepare
- PC to which the SST (version 3.01 or later) and the system software for the iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 has been registered
- Twisted pair cross cable
10Base-T: Category 3 or 5
100Base-TX: Category 5
1) Start up the PC.
2) Check the network settings of the PC.
- At the command prompt, type 'IPCONFIG', and press the Return key.
- Check to see that the network settings are as follows:
IP address:
subnet mask:
default gateway: any
Do not use the following IP address:
If the settings are not as indicated below, make the appropriate changes:
3) Check to see that the Execute/Memory lamp on the control panel is off, and turn off the
main power switch (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
3-1) Hold down the power switch on the control panel for 3 sec or more.
3-2) Follow the instructions indicated on the control panel so that the main power switch
may be turned off.
3-3) Turn off the main power switch.
4) Connect the PC to the machine using a cross cable (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
5) Start up the machine to suit the download mode you will be using (iR4570/3570, 2870/
2270 Series).
- Normal Mode
Turn on the main power switch while holding down 1+7.
When the machine has started up, make the following selections: COPIER > FUNCTION
- Safe Mode
Turn on the main power switch while holding down 2+8.
6) Start up the Service Support Tool.
7) Select the model of the machine to connect (iR2270/3570).
8) Click [START].
Formatting the HDD
[1] HDD (service part; without partition setup)
[2] Formatting of all partitions (in safe mode only)
[3] HDD after formatting
[4] Partition setup information
Formatting Selected Partitions
You can also format (initialize) only those partitions that you select.
[2] Formatting possible in safe mode (requires downloading of System and RUI after
1. Unless you have selected 'ALL', you may execute formatting without registering
2. An attempt to format after selecting TMP_FAX in the absence of a fax board will cause
an error.
3. An attempt to format after selecting FSTCDEV for expansion will cause an
Formatting Procedure
1) Click [Format HDD].
2) Select the partitions you want to format. Or, select 'ALL'.
3) Click [Start].
4) When the Confirmation screen has appeared, click [Execute Formatting].
5) When the session has ended, click [OK].
6) Start a download session. Or, turn off and then on the machine to end the work.
- If you have formatted all partitions or formatted BOOTDEV, be sure to download System
newly. (Otherwise, 'E602' will occur when you turn on the main power.)
Downloading System Software
Downloading System
The system software comes in 2 types (one for use inside Japan and the other, outside
Unlike previous iR controllers, however, there is only one type of system software.
(Previously, one type supported NetWare while the other did not. There is now only one
type for the machine supporting NetWare.)
Downloading Procedure
You can run a downloading session either in normal or safe mode.
1) Select the version of the system you want to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to start another downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done with downloading, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/
3570, 2870/2270 Series).
6) See the upgrade status indicated on the control panel (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the switch, turn off and then
on the main power (iR4570/3570,2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the power while the machine is executing a downloading session
or writing downloaded software. The ongoing session will be suspended and the machine
may fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat and then download
such software as System, Language, and RUI.
Downloading RUI, and Language
Control Panel LCD Display Language
Check the version of System and Language.
1. If correct, You can switch languages by making the following selections in user mode:
common settings>display language change.
2. If not correct, 'E744' will be indicated, and System Language will be used when the main
power is turned off and then on.
RUI Display
Select using the RUI.
You can select a different language for a different PC.
<Language Code> <Language>
de German
en English
fr French
it Italian
ja Japanese
Downloading Procedure
You can run a download session in either normal or safe mode.
[In the Case of Language]
1) Select the version of Language to download
2) Click [Start].
3) When the result of the downloading session has appeared, click [OK].
4) If you want another downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the machine, turn off
and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the power while the machine is executing a downloading session
or writing downloaded software. Otherwise, the ongoing session will be suspended and the
machine may fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
Downloading SDICT
SDICT is a dictionary used when converting image data read by the reader unit into
character code (OCR processing). This function is used in conjunction with the PDF
Generation Expansion Kit-B1.
Downloading Procedure
You can run a downloading session in either normal or safe mode.
1) Select the version of SDICT to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to run another downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the switch, turn off
and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded software. Otherwise, the ongoing session will be suspended and the machine
may fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
Downloading MEAPCONT
MEAPCONT is a standard library used in conjunction with a MEAP application.
Downloading Procedure
You can execute a downloading session in either normal or safe mode.
1) Select the version of MEAPCONT you want to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the downloading session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to run another downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the switch, turn off
and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded software. Otherwise, the ongoing session will be suspended and the machine
may fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
Downloading KEY
KEY serves as a certificate used for encrypted communications over a network.
KEY may be either of 2 types: XXxc and XXxp. Be sure to download both types.
Downloading Procedure
You can execute a download session in either normal or safe mode.
1) Select the version of KEY you want to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the downloading session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to execute a different downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the
switch, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded system software. Otherwise, the ongoing write operation will be suspended
and the machine may fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
Downloading BOOT
Boot registered in the SST may be used in common for various types of boot ROMs. You
cannot change the type of a boot ROM by means of downloading.
If a downloading session fails, you will have to replace the boot ROM.
Downloading Procedure
You can execute a downloading session in either normal or safe mode.
1) Select the version of BOOT to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the downloading session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to execute a different downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the
switch, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a download session or writing
downloaded system software. Otherwise, the ongoing write operation will be suspended
and the machine may not start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
If the machine fails to start up, be sure to replace the boot ROM.
Downloading Dcon and Rcon
Dcon/Rcon is downloaded by way of the main controller unit.
- The DC controller PCB/reader controller PCB is equipped with a boot ROM, and
downloading may be attempted multiple times in the event of failure.
- The system software used in the DC controller differs between the iR3570/3570 and the
iR2870/2270. The system software designed for the iR4570/3570 is stored as iR3570,
while the system software designed for the iR2870/2270 is stored as iR2270. The
machine has a mechanism to read the appropriate system software. It is a good idea to
download both types of system software.
You will not be able to download Rcon unless the DC controller has started up normally
(as, otherwise, the power supply control signal will not be valid and, as a result, the reader
unit remains without power).
Downloading Procedure
You can execute a downloading session in either normal or safe mode. In the case of safe
mode, however, you will not be able to find out the version of Dcon/Rcon, causing all
downloading to occur (overwriting of the same version and downgrading).
[Downloading Rcon]
1) Select the version of Rcon to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the downloading session has ended, click [OK].
4) If you want to execute a different downloading session, see the appropriate instructions.
5) When the downloading session has ended, turn off and then on the machine (iR4570/
3570, 2870/2270 Series).
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the
machine, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded system software. Otherwise, the machine may not be able to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download such
software as System, Language, and RUI.
If an error code is indicated, be sure to download appropriate firmware.
Downloading G3 FAX
The Multi Fax Board-D1 (2-line) comes with a control CPU and its system software, which
is downloaded by way of the main controller unit.
If a downloading session fails, you will have to replace the flash ROM DIMM.
Downloading Procedure
You will have to use normal mode for downloading.
1) Select the version of G3FAX you want to download.
2) Click [Start].
3) When the downloading session has ended, click [OK].
4) When you are done, turn off and then on the main power of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series).
5) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the
machine, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/570, 2870/2270 Series).
You will not be able to download G3Fax twice in succession. (Once downloading is
executed, the board will be reset, causing download mode to end.)
Be sure never to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded system software. Otherwise, the write operation (to the flash ROM DIMM of
the G3 fax board) may fail, preventing board functions. In the event the board fails to
function, be sure to replace the flash ROM DIMM found on the G3 fax board.
Uploading and Downloading Backup Data
SramImg is data that is stored in the SRAM of the main controller PCB, while MeapBack
is a MEAP application and its data stored on the HDD.
Backup data Files to select for downloading/uploading
Main controller PCB backup RAM SramImg.bin
MEAP application MeapBack.bin
for R&D Sublog.bin
- If you are replacing the main controller PCB, you can transfer such data as parts counter
readings by uploading the data before replacement and downloading it after replacement.
- If you are replacing the HDD or executing 'ALL' or 'APL_MEP', you can temporarily set
aside MEAP applications by uploading MeapBack before execution and downloading it
after execution.
Uploading Procedure
Use safe mode for uploading.
1) Select [Upload Data].
2) Select the data you want to back up.
3) Click [Start].
4) Click [Save].
5) Click [OK].
Downloading Procedur
Use safe mode for downloading.
1) Select [Download Data].
2) Select the data to download.
3) Click [Start].
4) Click [OK].
5) When you are done with downloading, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/
3570, 2870/2270 Series).
6) See the status of upgrading indicated on the control panel of the machine (iR4570/3570,
2870/2270 Series). When a message appears asking you to turn off and then on the
switch, turn off and then on the main power (iR4570/3570, 2870/2270 Series).
Be sure not to turn off the machine while it is executing a downloading session or writing
downloaded system software. The write operation will be suspended, and the machine may
fail to start up.
If the machine fails to start up, format BOOTDEV using HDFormat, and download System,
Language, and RUI.
1. service tool model
2. SST V3
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